Concerning last week's VP debate...
I found these comments on my last post and felt they deserved their own space. The comments were actually written before Lowry's ridiculous "starbursts" blog post... is Lowry reading CheapThrills?!? ;)
From PDaddy -
When Sarah Palin winked at camera, I felt she was winking right at me and my heart went all aflutter. Maybe it is a guy thing, but she really connected with me. I honestly cannot see why any red-blooded American man would not want her to be the VP -- she can memorize the playbook; she is really pretty; she wears nice clothes; and most important, she stands by her (Mc)-man! She is the stepford wife turned politician...and what's so bad about that? (wink)
Yes, that pin really caught my eye (the one that wasn't rather continuously winking back at my Sarah), and oh, what a satiny dress suit! (...or suit dress, or whatever it is called) But even more than that, I was so captivated by her folksy persona -- when she spoke about Joe-Six pack it really resonated with me. (And my wife liked Palin, too, because she [my wife] is a soccer mom to my son, who, yes... plays soccer!). And, I must say that I was so haunted... by Palin's stepford thing. Spooky and sexy at the same time.
I really think that it all got the best of me -- her wink, her dress, her lapel, her haunting stepford thing -- so much so that later, after the debate was over, I could not remember a single substantive point about any of her policy positions, save some vague stuff about her being a 'maverick' who's on a 'good ticket' with her man McCain. And that's a shame, because according to Ed Rollins on CNN and some other conservatives on talk radio, she really had a lot to say. I can't believe I am so shallow that I got swept away by her eye (not her eyes, exactly), her satin dress, he bejeweled pin, her folksy tone, her maverick image, and her sexy obsequiousness that I missed all the important things she said.
I'll post more from PDaddy sometime this week. On the topic of apes and evolution.
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Via BuzzFeed