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August 04, 2009


Gavin Heaton

I am sure that you will love Chicago - except the part about the freezing cold winters ;)

Looking forward to hearing how you settle in!


Hi, great blog!


This is a lovely entry. I'll miss you in Boston, but looking forward to hearing about life in Chicago. I hear it's a great city.


If the racial composition of beantown bugged you so much, why are all the people you're photographed with white?

Did it really bug you all that much...cause it dosen't look like it did.


Is it conceivable that she has photos with white friends and not white friends? Fool.




@ PrinceofRoxbury

Sure. I know how Boston works.

But I was just asking a question that seemed reasonable in light of the pics.

Saying, in effect "I can't wait to get out of here" and sighting the rigid racial segregation of the place seems like a false-bottom complaint given there's not one photo with a person of color in any of her ''things I'll miss'' pics.

What's wrong with holding that out in the daylight for examination?

Action Bob Markle

hey, i just read're gong to love of my favorite us cities...

so, will you still be doing the ad gig there?...

p.s. blow off the freedom trail but the duck boats are a kick...


Greetings from the Chi! I really hope this town will be kind to you.

I'm sad to say we have really bad segregation and racism in Chicago too. Some of it is because many Chicagoans never leave their comfort zone. Be sure that you don't get trapped by one or two neighborhoods. No matter where you end up living, travel all over the city--North Side, South Side, West Side.

Good luck with your move!


Good luck in Chicago. Look up Wenner E. there, if you haven't already. BTW, I lived on the South side in Hyde Park while in grad school there. The city has lots to offer. Let me know where you land... and feel free to post a comment on my blog.

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