Can you believe it!? A few days ago, I spotted not one, not two, but three of America's most beloved presidents - all in one room! I heard they had been hanging around the Smithsonian Museum of American History, so you know I had to go scout it out.
We caught the tail end of Thomas Jefferson's speech on something or other, and after he concluded my mom started grumbling under her breath. She hates Jefferson. While he was walking around the crowd shaking hands, she pulled him aside and asked:
"Okay, Mr. President, tell me about Sally Hemmings."
Good for Jefferson, he proceeded to give her a 10 minute detailed account of what may or may not have happened with his slave Sally. Well, more of what may not have happened. I call B.S. on that one... and so does my mom, judging from her stone-cold facial expression.
And then, of course, Lincoln gave a speech on slavery. But also! Did anyone else know he had a high, whiney voice? And that he tended to flap his arms around while orating? That seriously threw me off, because I've always had a little schoolgirl crush on Abe.
But then he started mingling with the crowd, and my faith was thus renewed. As you can see, he's totally badass.
is that the (late and) great Bernie Mac?!?!
Posted by: Manny Stevens | January 27, 2009 at 11:51 PM