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November 18, 2008



hope you get it...i went to one inauguration...nixon's ...i protested...this is a better occasion...

Ron Newman

That letter is beautiful. I hope you get a ticket.

Ron Newman

(But ... have you moved out of Boston, back to Pennsylvania?)


My idea is 6-8 friends, a rented RV, and a side of road somewhere outside the city.

We're going to kick it oldschool.


Hey Ron - I kept my PA driver's license and voter registration... I plan to move back sometime in the future.

Obama-Rama - I'm feelin' your style!

Nick Shively

I am with Senator Specter's Office. I will gladly see what I can do. Email me and we will be in touch from there.


Hello Nick -
Thanks so much for getting in touch! Emailing you now...
How exciting :)

Manny Stevens

So Moving

Katie Konrath

Good luck Ryan, I hope you get one!

I'm not even sure where my Inauguration Day plans will be yet - but they have a similar theme. If I'm in America, probably will be celebrating with a bunch of friends who are thrilled to see change come to America.

If I'm in Europe, I'll also be celebrating with a bunch of friends who are thrilled to see change come to America.

Either way, I'm excited.

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