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October 10, 2008




Now Call some friends in VA and West VA! (Phonebank!)

Jonathon Zilber

I was wondering if you knew what district number and what ward lower merion is. I need the information to get my absentee ballot, and I can't find it online, and my e-mails haven't been answered yet, so I decided to test blog searching to see if that could help. Thanks!


Zach Lev

A. I did the same thing yesterday from NYC, gotta make moves in PA!

B. Jonathon, you don't need that info for either document (ballot/form to get ballot), they will fill that part in for you. Just right Montgomery County - they will fill out the rest. I know this because I called them to ask the same thing.

C. If Obama loses I'm moving to Spain


Yep Jonathon, no need to fill out all that info. They'll take care of it for you.

Zach, if Obama loses, I'm petitioning for the east to secede from the union. Maybe Cali can come too.

Pocho Saurus

If Obama loses, will people accept McCain as our president?

If Obama wins, I will accept him. I wish either man luck!

Christopher Carew

I’m voting for Obama Tuesday!!! Can’t wait.
check out these shirts I’m making if you’re interested. They are a huge hit!!!!!

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