Maybe it's just me, but Karl Rove's description of Barack Obama as "lazy" makes me think of this scene from D.W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation. Notice the booze, chicken wing, and (shoeless) feet up on the table. Perhaps Griffith's caricature of the Black politician was on Rove's mind as well.
If you'd like to watch Griffith's full account of the founding of the KKK, be my guest. It's 3 hours long, and mostly boring. But plenty of "shuckin' and jivin'" negroes, not to mention many Whites in blackface.
And P.S. - Just a sidenote, campaigning for the Democratic party's nomination for president while simultaneously attempting to initiating talks with leaders from your father's homeland does not a lazy person make.
Ryan, I wouldn't put any stock in anything Karl Rove days. Remember, he's the man who, with his Weapons of Mass Destruction, brought us the mess in Iraq. His statement about Obama just highlights his stupidity.
Posted by: David Reich | January 16, 2008 at 12:00 PM