Thanks to everyone who expressed interest in guest blogging on CheapThrills. I will feature guest bloggers starting in December. Peep the awesome line-up… I’m very psyched ☺(I've included photos for the guests who don't have an "about" page online and/or who don't keep a blog. Photos speak volumes).
Camillia – A professor of Linguistics at Temple University and a very talented writer. Camillia will share a short story entitled “Pittsburgh Summer” about a life-changing summer she spent with relatives I will post the story in sections.
Claire – A UPenn grad who is currently spending the year teaching girls in Cusco, Peru. Claire will discuss how she's holdin' it down abroad.
Jillian – A writer and an artist. She’s got somethin’ up her sleeve for the post, but it’s a surprise.
Jodie – Jodie and I worked on MAP Boston together. She’s crazy… so expect a post that’ll get everyone’s blood pumping. (just playin’ Jodie, you’re my girl!)
Juan – A co-worker who has the pleasure of working out of our Costa Rica office. Lucccky. Juan just recently got into blogging (check out his blog, DashesandSplashes) and he’s officially obsessed. Juan likes to “push the envelope, so expect something “outside the box” (ahhh market speak, how I love thee).
Liz – A trendspotter by day and a trendsetter by night. Liz works in NYC at HeadLight Vision, where her job is to be awesome, basically. She might post something in Philly/NYC lingo… like this: “we're back up in it like rehab, promising nutin' but 'Net and Lito-liciousness and a confirmed, yeah that's right you heard it, confirmed location. (shoutout to our b-day groupies).”
But she might not. That’s the thing about trendsetters… you never know what they’ll be sportin’.
Matt – A writer and esteemed blogger. Matt keeps a blog called BrandSpankin’. He’ll be spanking some brands on CheapThrills.
Sara – An NYU grad who happens to be teaching in Peru with Claire. Sara is a great creative writer and can be, at times, a saucy tart (see photo).
Slava – As a product marketing director and an entrepreneur, Slava keeps it really real. He's always up for a challenge and he also likes to do whatever it takes to freak people out.
I expect to encounter some bumps along the way, as this is the first time I’ve tried something like this on my blog. But I plan to do another run sometime after Blogger Social with willing Age of Conversation co-authors:
Gavin Heaton, Drew McLellan, CK, Valeria Maltoni, Emily Reed, Katie Chatfield, Greg Verdino, Mack Collier, Lewis Green, Sacrum, Ann Handley, Mike Sansone, Paul McEnany, Roger von Oech, Anna Farmery, David Armano, Bob Glaza, Mark Goren, Matt Dickman, Scott Monty, Richard Huntington, Cam Beck, David Reich, Luc Debaisieux, Sean Howard, Tim Jackson, Patrick Schaber, Roberta Rosenberg, Uwe Hook, Tony D. Clark, Todd Andrlik, Toby Bloomberg, Steve Woodruff, Steve Bannister, Steve Roesler, Stanley Johnson, Spike Jones, Nathan Snell, Simon Payn, Ryan Rasmussen, Ron Shevlin, Roger Anderson, Robert Hruzek, Rishi Desai, Phil Gerbyshak, Peter Corbett, Pete Deutschman, Nick Rice, Nick Wright, Michael Morton, Mark Earls, Mark BlairCB Whittemore, Mario Vellandi, Lori Magno, Kristin Gorski, Kris Hoet, G. Kofi Annan, Kimberly Dawn Wells, Karl Long, Julie Fleischer, Jordan Behan, John La Grou, Joe Raasch, Jim Kukral, Jessica Hagy, Janet Green, Jamey Shiels, Dr. Graham Hill, Gia Facchini, Geert Desager, Gaurav Mishra, Gary Schoeniger, Gareth Kay, Faris Yakob, Emily Clasper, Ed Cotton, Dustin Jacobsen, Tom Clifford, David Polinchock, David Koopmans, David Brazeal, David Berkowitz, Carolyn Manning, Craig Wilson, Cord Silverstein, Connie Reece, Colin McKay, Chris Newlan, Chris Corrigan, Cedric Giorgi, Brian Reich, Becky Carroll, Arun Rajagopal, Andy Nulman, Amy Jussel, AJ James, Kim Klaver, Sandy Renshaw, Susan Bird,Troy Worman, S. Neil Vineberg
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!
Can't wait to meet you, Ryan! Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: C. B. Whittemore | November 21, 2007 at 08:26 PM
I wonder if I can cook up something off-the-wall for valentine's...
Posted by: jpastor | November 25, 2007 at 11:32 PM
I'm up for 'guest blogging' whenever you wish on whatever topic you want in the media/marketing youth arena...
Dang, I've gotta find a way to get to the blogger social...I want to meet all our AOC pals! I have the CCFC conference the same wkend in April; where Morgan Spurlock is speaking about his new 'mockumentary' post-SuperSize Me, all about consumerism/commercial hype.
Looks hilarious. It's called 'What Would Jesus Buy?' Gonna blog it soon for holiday season. Trailer here:
Posted by: Shaping Youth | November 28, 2007 at 01:40 PM