Yesterday, Techcrunch wrote up Newsvine’s election polling widget, Electionvine. I’ve actually had this installed on my Facebook profile for a while now… it’s a great way to show support on the web.
Anyway, here’s a fun little convo I got into with another commenter!
June 27th, 2007 at 12:37 pm
...Now if only Obama supporters would actually research their own candidate we’d be good
June 27th, 2007 at 12:58 pm
Hmm, Barack supporters do, Andrew. That’s why we support him. ;)
June 27th, 2007 at 1:05 pm
And Ryan…actually I was going to show you exactly why Obama is horrible…but I’m going to take a different approach. Tell me why Obama is great.
June 27th, 2007 at 1:46 pm
Andrew - I’m not getting into a comment war with you. I’ve written several blog posts about Obama… why don’t you take your neigh saying creaky rumblings there.
June 27th, 2007 at 2:54 pm
well I went to your blog, and I only found 2 Obama posts.
If I missed any feel free to correct me
1-Obama Hotness-a link to another blog, with a description of cafepress type stuff you can buy
2-Barack Obama is the ‘ish-this one has a little bit more substance.
-here is why you like him from what I can gather(once again feel free to correct me)
1) Obama tells the truth
2) Obama can write
3) Obama uses myspace, facebook, etc to spread his message
I disagree with you on #1, he may tell the truth…but he is yet to propose anything solid…and when he does, he always fails to mention where the money is coming from.
Conclusion? he is a tyspical soundbyte politician who promises you the world but doesn’t show any substance. Look beyond his posture and smile and see him for who he really is.
And since we are on Obama, here is a site with some dirt on him:
1-he is pro palestine
2-he violated congressional ethics rules
3-never accepts responsibility
4-accepted money from a group who was responsible for sinking Kerry’s candidacy
5-never paid parking tickets until recently
6- shady real estate deal
7-his wife got a shady promotion and a raise that was 3x her salary
8-used cocaine
9-muslim roots
now some of those are BS and not so bad, but others are very shady
June 28th, 2007 at 6:43 am
Andrew – I can’t take you seriously. Sorry. A couple points:
1-This anti-Israel/pro-Palestine debate needs to end. There’s more to it than anti/pro. It’s not black and white. Grow up.
3-”Never accepts responsibility” - I think my 11-year old cousin helped you with this comment. No wait, he couldn’t have. He has Muslim roots and can actually formulate thoughtful ideas through writing.
4,5,6,7,8,9-All of these points imply that Obama is just “shady.” And he must be! He’s black and has “Muslim roots”! I think 99% of people in this country have used cocaine, failed to pay a few parking tickets, etc. At least he doesn’t BS and say stupid stuff like “I never inhaled”. No, he puts it out there. Seems to me that you have a problem with people owning up to their decisions. You’ve also contradicted yourself… because you said in #3 that he never accepts responsibility. Nice one, sir.
Andrew, your comments demonstrate the stupidity of America these days. Thanks to your caliber of reasoning, we are stuck with Bush for a second term. Thanks for making America a dumber place.
Interesting to read this with the benefit of retrospect. It appears Ryan was spot on and you are looking rather foolish. But it's interesting to see you fall into the trite old liberal strategy of ad hominem - everyone who opposes Obama is either evil, stupid or racist.
You need a new hymnal from which to sing. You got your black president and the country is worse because you voted for a man based on his race rather than his ability. It's time to let someone who actually has some leadership ability run the nation, rather than someone who just enjoys the adulation.
Oh, and before you start calling people stupid again, check the mirror (e.g. it's not "neigh saying"...not unless you're a horse)
Posted by: Squanteesha | June 07, 2011 at 06:54 AM
I did mean the horse kind of neighing. J/k - you're right, that's a terrible misspelling!
Posted by: RyanB | June 07, 2011 at 09:31 AM