Something smelly was sitting in my inbox this morning...
Tom Szaky is passionate about worm poop. So passionate that he dropped out of Princeton to start Terracycle, a company that sells worm poop. ...Water is mixed with the worm castings to produce a nitrogen rich ‘tea’ prized by gardeners...
Szaky discovered the magic of worm castings when he was at Princeton. He and fellow student Jon Beyer developed a system to mass produce
castings using millions of worms and organic waste from the
university's student dining halls, which they developed into liquid
Springwise loves how they’re turning garbage into gold, keeping waste
out of landfills and producing an organic alternative to chemical
fertilizers, while building a healthy business. …Alternatively, get creative and start figuring out what else can be created from waste.
Okay, that's disgusting cool, but the article leaves me with a couple questions.
- While at Princeton, how exactly did Szaky “discover” the magic of worm castings? I guess what I’m asking for is a little back-story here.
- Does the “tea” come in flavors? Is it sip-able?
- Is “get creative and start figuring out what else can be created from waste” some sort of challenge? Are there prizes? I hope so, because I’ve got a few good ideas:
- Brown sneakers
- Decorative skid marks (for any use, really)
- Organic face mask applied after chemical peal
Do I win?
yes, you win. hahahaha
Posted by: Slava | May 29, 2007 at 12:03 PM
hey guys check out this awesome story the BBC World news did about Terracycle and their current lawsuit with Scott's.
Posted by: Terracycle | June 12, 2007 at 10:20 AM