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April 27, 2007


Becky Carroll

Ryan, so glad you made it into the list! I will be glad when it is all put together. Looking forward to seeing it!

Connie Reece

Ryan, I look forward to reading your chapter. Besides being co-authors of The Age of Conversation, we have something else in common -- I have a B.A. in French. At one time I was fluent ... but that was decades ago.

Gavin Heaton

Hey Ryan ... good to see you are getting nervous! Most of us are -- but then, a few nerves are good for performance ... looking forward to your chapter!

Valeria Maltoni

Hi Ryan:

We're all newbies when it comes to what's next -- most predictions never come to fruition. That's why going to get a cup of fresh ice cream sounds like the perfect response. Enjoy it and have fun with the write up. The only way to find out if it works is to do it.

Mack Collier

Ryan can't wait to read your chapter. That's the best part of an online community, we learn from each other, and are all smarter as a result. Thanks for doing your part!


Hi Ryan,

Your description is so close to reality. We probably all felt the same when facing that "white page" waiting for its 400 words.

Although I'm sure there is no specific order to the list, I love the ice-cream idea... very much! : ) Can't wait to read your chapter.

Regards from Brussels.

Robert Hruzek

Ryan, I look forward to reading the complete works of our Shakesperean group! This is gonna be great!!!

Drew McLellan

Hey Ryan,

Just so you's how the list came to be. On top were the bloggers who we asked ahead of the launch, so we could announce some bloggers already on board.

Then, one the day of the deadline, I imported an alpha sorted list (by first name) of everyone who was signed up. Starting at Kim Klaver, you guys all missed the deadline but had at least inquired within the deadline, so we let you in under the wire.

So, really your place on the list has nothing to do with your writing. But it probably says something about your procrastinating! :)


Bob Glaza

I hope you enjoyed your ice cream Ryan :) - and I'm certain your chapter in the book will fit great!


Hello fellow writers -
So psyched we're forming this little online community. I feel like the book has been getting so much hype, and authors have only divulged a few lines (at max) of their chapters! So many cool thoughts and ideas floating around out there already; I can only imagine the conversation that will start once the book hits the public.

And to Drew: A procrastinator? Moi?! I just assumed that my end of list position had something to do with my use of the word "POOPLESS"... it's not even a real word, after all. But your list history has assured me that all is well - time for more ice cream! :)

But in all seriousness, the e-book is gonna rock. Drew and Gavin, thank you so much for including me.

Drew McLellan


If we were being anything but practical and functional in our list building, the creation/use of the word "poopless" would have vaulted you to the top!


Matt Keegan

This looks like fun. Even though I am not a participant, I look forward to reading what everyone has shared.

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